Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Meek Mild As If

A few years ago the Church of England ran an advertising campaign to try to get people to attend Easter services, and used a poster of Jesus looking very much like Che Guevara. The poster slogan was "Meek. Mild. As If." - probably as provocative then as the current United Church of Canada Emerging Spirit magazine campaign with a bobble-head Jesus. I love the poster, though - particularly as Good Friday approaches and we need to be reminded that Jesus was executed by the authorities on the garbage dump of Jerusalem as a political criminal, just as the death squads brought their victims to the dumps of Managua and San Salvador and killed them. I saw some great Che murals in Nicaragua. There was a debate in our group about how appropriate Che is as a symbol of liberation, given that he spearheaded the more pro-Soviet, hardline faction in Cuba.

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